Transformation tasks

The transformation tasks will bring an added-value to your data set. Transform, delete or add some data to your data set. Mind the converting tasks if the document content needs to evolve during the migration phase. Check their functional purposes here.

Create, embed, delete or update document content

Use this task to remove existing content of a processed document, add content to this document based on a dynamically resolved path, of even more.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Content path Pattern The path of the content. Leave this value empty and check ‘delete content’ to delete the content. This value will be resolved by Fast2 prior to the task execution. Wildcard characters are supported.
Ex/ ${absolutePath}/myFile.txt
Key Type Description
Check if file exists Boolean Check if the content referenced by the path is existing and accessible. If not, an exception is thrown.
If a wildcard is used as content path, the new content path will be skipped if this option is disabled.
Files to exclude String list List here all patterns for files you wish to exclude. One line per match.
*.json to ignore all JSON files
Add content as annotation Boolean Check this option to add the content as annotation for document. If disabled, the content will be added as regular content to the document.
Delete in-place content Boolean Override existing content with the new one, or remove the content attached to the document
Change document folders classification

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Clear existing folders Boolean Delete all existing folders false
Create folders Boolean Set the permission to create new folders true
Append as child to existing folder Boolean Add as a child of an already existing folder the new folder false
Target folder class name Pattern The symbolic name of your new folder, i.e. the path
Folder name to create Pattern Leave empty to not create folder
Property map String/Pattern map
Ex/ targetProperty = ${variableName}
Alter multiple document properties

Dive into the punnet to go and modify one or more properties carried by the document

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Property map String/Pattern map List of the properties to modify. One line per property
Ex/ targetProperty = documentStringGetter

There is no optional configuration for this task.

Create or update a punnet metadata

Dive at the punnet level to add (or udpate) one or more properties carried by the punnet itself

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Source metadata Pattern This field will be resolved by Fast2 prior to the task execution
Key Type Description
Target property String Name of the porperty to change. If not set or empty, Fast2 will skip the document
Rules from Excel file

Apply functional and/or technical rules from an Excel file. Mainly used for mapping properties during complex migrations but can be used for simple data transformations.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Worksheets name String list Apply the content of the mentioned sheet. Take the first sheet if not set
Excel file path String Path to the Excel worksheet
Ex/ ../rules/example.xls
Key Type Description Default value
Static cache Boolean Use a static cache for rules file. If false, the Excel file will be refreshed for each campaign true
worksheet String
Worksheets character encoding String Inform Fast2 of character encoding used by the worksheet Cp1252
Build absolute URL for content

Simple Content URL renaming task : if target property (a list of string) is set, try to find the first path in this list which exists, converting this path to a fully-defined path including intermediary paths, corresponding documentId, extension, …. Otherwise, use Content URL included in Punnet as a wildcarded path (e.g. C:/input//.xml), and resolve to a fully-defined path.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Source folder String Path of the parent folder, which will be the common part for all target paths in target list
Key Type Description Default value
New mime type String New mime type to set at the end of the new content path
Extension to use String Wildcards accepted
Process annotation contents Boolean If annotations are asked to be migrated, you can filter here to process their content(s) or only their metadata false
Scan recursive content Boolean Only convert terminal contents and not container ones false
Mime type blacklist String Restrict action on content with this mimetype
Supported mime-types String list Specify the list of all mime-types of documents which Fast2 will convert
List of paths to resolve String list Regex wildcards accepted
Throw conversion exceptions Boolean If Fast2 performs document conversion, it can either fail silently or pop an error when the action has not been properly completed true
Exception on multi-page content Boolean Ask Fast2 to throw a task exception when running into multi-page contents false
Mime-type : Check document before content Boolean You can assume the file extension is accurate, or ask Fast2 to check the content encoding to identify more precisely the document mime-type. By default, Fast2 will check at content level false
findMimeType Boolean
Process all contents Boolean Fast2 will either only focus on the first encountered content, or process them all true
Convert FileNet Image Services annotations

This task is used to perform the IS annotation conversion and its save into a target referential

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Annotation converter FileNetXFDFAnnotationConverter The FileNet XFDF module used to convert the annotations
IS annotation parser ParseISAnnotation Specific module to parse the Image Services annotations
Key Type Description Default value
Status for all annotation converted String Value when all annotation have been converted 2
Status for some annotations in exception String Value when some annotation are in exception 8
Property name result String Keep the conversion result AnnotationConversionStatut
Skip conversion error Boolean Either Fast2 will throw an exception if an error occured during the conversion, or it will skip to the next annotation false
Annotation accessor AnnotationAccessor Choose annotation accessor to save annotations
Document layout DPI Float Set here the layout DPI for the document 72.0
Status for no-conversion annotation String Value when no annotation has been converted 9

Parse a CSV content and put parsed values as document data

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Document Id property name String Property name where the Id is based on
Key Type Description Default value
Regex to parse each line String The regex used for parsing each document ^”?([^”])"?;"?([^”])"?$
SQL updater for CSV

Simple task to update SQL database with document data.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Data name to report results String Name of the property where the result status is stored inside the punnet CsvQueryTaskStatus
Check result unicity Boolean If it’s not, populate first found result false
Skip exception Boolean Silent fail instead of throwing exceptions false
Definition of the CSV to read CsvDescriptor
Delete local content

Delete the content of your document within your file system. It will retrieve the files targeted by the URL of all the document contents in your punnet

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
File path to delete String Used as prefix to select files to delete. This field can be see as a whitelist of the contents to delete. If empty, all accessible contents will be deleted from the machine.
Delay between two deletion attempt Integer Delay in milliseconds 1000
Exception when deletion failed Boolean Thrown an exception if the file has been found but the delete operation failed. true
Maximum number of tries for deletion Integer Thrown an exception if the file has not been deleted after this number of tries 10
Delete content entry Boolean Erase the URL entry from the document, in the punnet. true
Exception when file does not exist Boolean Throw an exception if file does not exist. Otherwise, silent fail true

Find your documents inside your File Net 3.5 instance.

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description
JavaScript evaluation task

This task serves the purpose of modifying a punnet based on instructions embedded into a JavaScript snippet. The latter can be either directly pasted as task parameter, or read from a given path. If both these ways are used, the task will only consider the script pasted in.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Script String Javascript source
Key Type Description Default value
Script file String Path to JavaScript file with preloaded script.
Script engine String Script engine to use for the JS execution. Use ‘nashorn’ for JDK8. Other options are available, such as js, javascript, ecmascript. nashorn
Remove mails

This class allow you to connect to your mail box and select mails to delete. You can search among your mails by term or properties

Mandatory settings

There is no mandatory configuration field for this task.

Key Type Description Default value
Mail connection provider MailBoxProvider
Maximum connection ttl Long Time in milliseconds 60
Search term type String Message-Id
Pattern to evaluate property String ${Message-Id}
Exception when mail not found Boolean Throw an exception when the mail is not found. Otherwise, silent fail true
Save message changes Boolean true
Update a shared object value from its name

Use this task to change a system-wide configuration setting at runtime. Mainly used for dynamic campaign variables built as a shared object in Fast2. Be careful: only works with shared object set with Global scope

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Shared object new value String Can be almost any type of variable (String, int…) except object and tasks of the Fast2 catalog. You can also access to any custom document data value from the pattern using ${variableName}. Already known variables : base, campaign, taskFlowMap, step, punnetTraceId, punnetId and documentId.
Shared object name to update String Name of the object to update. The shared object will be automatically created if does not already exists.
Key Type Description Default value
Number of executions Integer Means the number of executions per campaign 1
Apply a XSL transformation on XML Punnets

With pretty much straight-forward task you can fine-tune any punnet or document metadata, or even the content targetted by the migration. Build your custom XSL file, and ask Fast2 to apply the changes onto the migration-related data

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
XSL file path String Specify here the absolute path of the XSL file, as well as the name and the extension of the file. This file can be located on a separate machine
Key Type Description
XSL Stylesheet content String Enter here your xsl:stylesheet content