
The Fast2 Credential modules are used to establish the communication between the workflow engine and the remote systems, to either retrieve or load documents and metadata into them.

CMIS connection provider

From a URI and giving a username with password, this class allow you to access any Alfresco instance

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Password String
Username String
URI for connection settings String
Ex/ http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.0/atom

There is no optional configuration for this task.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Password String
URL to connect to Alfresco String
Ex/ http://hostname:port/alfresco
Username String

There is no optional configuration for this task.

AWS S3 user credentials

With an access key id and the secret access key, you have the option to connect to an AWS S3 instance by specifying the region concerned. However, to perform this king of connection, Fast2 required the permission : AmazonS3FullAccess

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Access key Id String This field is mandatory unless ‘Use Instance Profile’ is set
Secret access key String This field is mandatory unless ‘Use Instance Profile’ is set
AWS Region String
Ex/ eu-west-1
Key Type Description Default value
AWS URL endpoint String Service endpoint & signing region
Use settings for Snowball Boolean Snowball S3 endpoint requires specific S3Client settings false
Use Instance Profile instead of Access Key & Secret Boolean From your local variable, Fast2 will retrieve your connection information false
AWS extra Client Configuration ClientConfiguration Use this AWS class to fine-tune connection details to S3, such as timeouts, connection pool size, …
Connection provider for Content Manager solution

The CM connection provider will help you to manage a pool of connections. For performance reasons, it is sometimes desirable to limit the number of connections created by the pool.The connection pool will allow you to specify the maximum number of connections that should exist at one time, whether in use or in the pool.Once this maximum value is reached, an error may be thrown or you may optionally wait for an existing connection to be freed

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description Default value
Password String Password of the aforementioned username
Username String Login with scope to access the docbase with proper rights icmadmin
Key Type Description Default value
Data source type String ICM
Connection pool size Integer Maximum number of connections to be created 64
Server name String Name of the server involved in the migration ICMNLSDB
Connection free pool size Integer Maximum number of connections that may be held in the free pool 5
Internal connection Integer Maximum number of connections for internal side 64
Connection duration Long Length of time to kill a free connection in milliseconds 100000
CMOD connection provider

With a username / password and an IP address, this class allow you to connect at your CMOD instance.To optimize connections between Fast2 and CMOD you can use a single connection

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description Default value
Server IP address String
Password String
Username String admin
Key Type Description Default value
Port number Integer 1445
Singleton connection Boolean Optimization of the connection in case of regular calls false
Documentum connection provider

Module used by Fast2 to establish to communication with the destination Documentum instance.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Docbase name String Name of the docbase involved in the migration.
Password String Password of the aforementioned username.
Username String Login with scope to access the docbase with proper rights.

There is no optional configuration for this task.

Connection provider for FileNet 3•5 solution

This task is used to provide connection information to connect specifically to the FileNet P8 3.5 ECM.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Password String Password of the aforementioned username
Username String Login with scope to access the docbase with proper rights
Key Type Description
WCM Config resource String
URL settings WcmApiConfigSettings Class used for setting multiple URLs (download, upload…)
Object store name String Name of the docbase involved in the migration
Connection provider for FileNet P8 solution

Using this class allows you to provide connection information to specifically connect to your FileNet P8 5.x ECM

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Password String Password of the aforementioned username
URI address String URI to determine which FileNet instance to connect to


Username String Login with scope to access the docbase with proper rights
Key Type Description Default value
JAAS coonfiguration stanza property name String Property containing JAAS coonfiguration. If null, the default JAAS stanza name is set to FileNetP8
Singleton connection Boolean Reuse the same connection to optimize calls false
Initial naming factory String
Mail box connection

This class is used to access any mailbox from some connection information.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Protocol String Protocol used to establish the connection
Ex/ imap
Password String Password of the aforementioned username
Host address String Exact address of the mail server where to retrieve the mails
Root folder name String Name of the root folder to extract mails
Username String Login with scope to access the docbase with proper rights
Key Type Description Default value
Session debugging Boolean Keep logs written for the connection into stdout false
Number of retries Integer Maximum number of times to retry the connection in case of failure 0
Read and write permissions Boolean Open mail session with read and write permissions. If false, the session is only readable false
Extended properties map String/String map List of additional properties to apply
Ex/ myValue.toAdd = true
Time between two connections Integer Time in milliseconds between each connection attempt 1000
Email connection provider

This module will grant Fast2 access to send emails on behalf of a given user

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Password String The password of the aforementioned user
Properties String/String map

It is expected that the client supplies values for the properties listed in Appendix A of the JavaMail spec. Please provide

  • mail.transport.protocol,
  • mail.user, and
  • mail.from

as the defaults are unlikely to work in all cases

Username String The username with proper rights to access the email client server
Key Type Description
Debug Boolean

Set the debug setting for this Session.

Since the debug setting can be turned on only after the Session has been created, to turn on debugging in the Session constructor, set the property mail.debug in the Properties object passed in to the constructor to true

Mobius connection provider

This Mobius connection module is required for Fast2 to successfully establish the connection with your Mobius instance in order to properly migrate metadata and contents.

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Repository ID String The Universally unique identifier (UUID) of the destination repository
Mobius Server URL String
Key Type Description
Authentication REST Header String The value of the ‘Authorization’ header of the REST request
Connection settings for Nuxeo

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description Default value
Accessible schemas String List of document schemas accessible with this connexion
Connexion URL String http://hostname:port/nuxeo
Ex/ http://localhost:8080/nuxeo
Password String
UserName String

There is no optional configuration for this task.

OpenText user credentials

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Password String
Username String

There is no optional configuration for this task.

Generic query caller

This modules is responsible of establishing the connection between Fast2 and the designated database

Mandatory settings

Key Type Description
Connection definition String Use a standard jdbc:// syntax. If a driver is needed, the JAR file has to be added to the worker-libs/ folder. Make sure to pick up a version compatible with the JDK used by Fast2. If clear credentials is a problem, please use below fields username and password
Key Type Description
Password String Password used by connectionString and fully encrypted for security reasons
Driver class String Optional driver class to load before connection. Leave empty to load none
Throw error if no result Boolean Throw exception when SQLQueryColumnCaller finds no result.
User String Username used by connectionString
Skip exceptions Boolean Fast2 will either throw an error if the statement has not properly been executed, or fail silently