Multiple instances
In order to run multiple instances of Fast2 on the same server, the ports involved in each instance must be unique.
Fast2 uses 3 different ports to operate :
1- The web interface, as called from the browser (default : 1789)
- Set in conf/arondor-fast2p8-config-with-hmi.xml, bean
, propertyport
2- The RMI port, used to communicate between the HMI frontend and the Java backend (default : rmi://localhost:1793)
Set in conf/arondor-fast2p8-config-with-hmi.xml, bean
, propertyregisterPrefix
Set in war/arondor-fast2p8-hmi-gwt-${version}.war/WEB-INF/classes/fast2p8-hmi-configuration.xml, bean
, propertyjndiEnvironment
, propertyjava.naming.provider.url
3- The JMX port (to connect JConsole, JVisualVM, …), default : 1889
- Set inf conf/hmi-wrapper.conf,
Changing these values allows to run multiple instances on the same server.